Introduction: Zamzam University College ZUCwas established by Decree No. 32 of 2018 on 20/2/2018, based on Article 9 (d) of the Regulation of Higher Education Law.

Based on the objectives of higher education, the national bridging of the professional and scientific gap in public education, expanding the chances of admission to successful students qualified, and the uniqueness in the provision of some study programs, and provide new formulas in the forms and forms of higher education management.

Zamzam University College ZUC offers scientific programs that have been developed by specialized scientific committees of the best professors of higher education according to local and international principles and standards, taught through a qualified academic staff in the field using updated means and tools.
As to graduate a unique creative generation, the College has allocated areas of extra curricular programs to enhance and employ the energies of creative students under the supervision of specialists in the field.