Zamzam Medical Journal (ZMJ).

ZMJ is peer reviewed medical journal that represents positives contribution other journals in field. It is published the current time every three months. It publishes articles in English language.


Zamzam Medical Journal contributes to growth and aaplication of research through providing:

  • High quality peer reviewed papers to academics, researcher.
  • Highly effective and reliable information
  • Opportunities for discussion and exchange of ideas, and innovatives methods.


The mission of Journal is provide platform the researchers in all medical and scientific fields in world through following:

  • Availability of knowledge to researchers who seek it
  • Distribution of ideas that help scientist in daily work, lifelong learning and at career development
  • Communicate research outcome

Instructions to Contributors

The journal accepts the following papers types:

  1. Original articles: On submission the articles authors (corresponding author) should provide name, email address and institutional affiliation for all contributing authors,

A scientific study of a certain question should comply with the following:

  1. Abstract (Objectives, Materials and Methods, Results and Conclusion). It should not duplicate the introduction.
  2. Introduction: Must creates at good impression. Statement of problem or study question, rationale and hypothesis should be stated clearly.

iii. Materials and Methods should include official ethical clearance and valid consent should be clearly stated when the work includes data collection from humans

  1. Results: Should confirm or reject the hypothesis
  2. Discussion: What do the findings mean in accordance or in disagreement with others findings
  3. Conclusion: It should remind the reader what is gained from study and why the article was written

Original articles should be no more than 3000 words.

Pages should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals starting from title page.

All persons designated as authors should qualify for authorship, and all those who qualify should be listed.

Each author should have participated sufficiently in work to take public responsibility for appropriate portions the content.

Other people, institutions or bodies that provide some help which does not reach the level of authorship can appear in acknowledgement part.

  1. Review articles: At articles provide comprehensive summary on certain topic or research. The include title, abstract, introduction, conclusion and references.
  1. Case reports: new and highlight areas of interest in particular diagnosis, unique therapeutic approach, an unusual presentation of disease or cases provide new ideas that should contribute significantly to existing knowledge on the medical and scientific field. The components of case report should include abstract, introduction, description of case, the discussion, conclusion, conflict of interest and  References are written in Harvard style (in test citation), it quotation from book included the page number should be included as well.
  1. Letters to editor: the writing should very short and has capacity to convey the message in not more than 400 word. The author should point immediately and support their statements with evidence and should point to new and additional information.
  1. Commentaries: Of commentary is provide varying perspectives on topic. It should include new or in depth existing problem. In commentary the title should be short and the abstract should not included. Commentaries should short with few references.

Authors’ Credit and Responsibilities

Authors are required to submit their work according to journal guidelines. The corresponding author is responsible for manuscript correction and correspondence during submission and resubmission. In addition is completely responsible the accuracy of statements contained in manuscripts. A corresponding author should clearly nominated in contact with the editorial board.

Author(s) should:

1) Show their substantial contribution to work, analysis and interpretation of data. Other hand should qualified and certified to report scientific data or conduct scientific research.

2) Make clear who have drafted the article or revised it critically for important intellectual content.

4) Inform all co-authors getting their approval for publication.


References are cited according to Harvard style of referencing (in text citation) which numbers, not to identify references. Instead in text citation are identified by author name and the year and references are ordered alphabetically rather numerically. When referencing book, in text citation should the number of pages. For books referencing as follow: Authors, year, title, Edition, Publisher, Place of publication.

Tables should presented in manuscript and will not be accepted as image. Tables should be self-explanatory and can be understood independent of text and should supplement and duplicate the text.

Each table requires a title on top of it with sufficient spacing between columns and rows. Each table’s column requires a heading description. Foot notes are used to provide additional information for the table and placed after the table.

Figures should be type written double spaced on (17×24 cm) on size A4 paper with margins at least of 2 cm.

Pictures (plain or coloured) may also accompany the manuscript in case they are necessary as clarification means.

The journal standard font is Times New Roman.

Three original and two photocopies of manuscript should be submitted.

Submission :


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